Welcome to Infernal Logic!
Current Status:
Congratulations President Trump!
We have prevailed!
Smile everyone!
Still Kickin
The vote is coming up folks.
There are NO "Do Overs".
Get it right this time and vote Trump back into office!
Grndpagaming on YouTube
Here's a Navy vet whoopin ass on basement dwellers.
I aspire to his level. Enjoy!
The Chinese Curse
It's an old saying that there's a Chinese curse that goes something like this:
"May you live in interesting times."
I'm not sure if it's accurate as to the origin, but the Chinese are bound and determined to make it a currently true statement.
President Trump is safe!!
His attackers will pay a heavy price.
The former and future President stands defiant!
Humble Pie
I don't need no doctor
Congratulations to former and future President Trump!
This is a great day for our country.
The SCOTUS has handed us a victory!
Support President Trump!
This is a very sad day for our country.
Americans! Stand and speak!
Joe Bonamassa
Woke Up Dreaming
Shake your bonez and dance damnit!
President Trump
South Carolina
Whatever you believe, listen to this.
Be the hero everyone wants you to be.
In case there was any question in your minds:
It was all my fault Louisa.
Try to forgive me.
Pink Floyd "Sorrow":
Happy New Years!
Here's a treat. We knew these things years ago.
Happy New Years! (early)
Be safe as you raise a little hell and here's a treat to entertain you:
Merry Christmas everyone!
May you find love and joy in your day.
It's been a difficult year and the next one doesn't look like it'll be any better.
Keep your loved ones close and make sure your emergency plans are in place.
About that bar rail.......hehehehehe
Network problems boyz n girlz.
Bane of webmasters everywhere.
Email has been slow as well as the site loading like molasses.
Thanks for your patience, the site will return to normal soon I'm told. Hahahaha We'll see.
As always it's something hehehe.
The curse of the never ending bar rail has struck again.
I am doomed to tend to a bar rail I installed in 1996 at Sure Shots apparently forever.
It's ok, it's for a buddy, so work on the CMS is going to be tough until I get the bar rail squared away.
Here's a picture:
Finishing up work on the landing pages and I have created a new page to highlight my digital artwork.
These simple landing pages serve several purposes that dont need inclusion in the XOOPS install.
Local Ad Only Website
You'll notice I no longer have external advertisements of any kind displayed here at Infernal Logic. That's due in part to a lack of https friendly ad streams, but on the whole, since Google screwed everyone back in 2011 they weren't generating income anyway.
Any advertisements seen here will be hosted locally, and be "static" rather than flash based etc.
Thanks to Cut All The Shit For consistant hosting.
If there are problems hit me via the contact link, or mail at webmaster/help/abuse this website.